

Mainly originating in the southwestern region of Morocco, Argan oil or liquid gold from Morocco is one of the rarest natural active ingredients in the world, and its cosmetic and food use is one of the most important secrets. best-kept Berber women in southern Morocco.

Rich in fatty acids and vitamin E, this miraculous oil has various virtues for your body and your health.

  • It protects the skin and fights acne.
  • It protects and nourishes your hair.
  • It acts against aging.
  •  Powerful antioxidant, great for your general health.



The cosmetic use of argan oil is one of the best kept secrets of Berber women in southern Morocco, in addition to being a culinary delight bringing all your dishes to life in the kitchen, it also has several benefits. for skin and hair.

  • Cicatrisant naturel et efficace
  • L’huile d’argan a d'extraordinaires vertues cicatrisantes, en effet, elle aide à apaiser les irritations de la peau et redonne la vie aux peaux sèches, elle est même conseillée comme remède pour certains cas d'eczéma et aide les femmes enceintes à prévenir les vergetures.
  • Fights acne
  • Thanks to its antioxidant power, a few drops in the morning and evening are sufficient to restore balance to acne-prone skin while reducing skin inflammation and without clogging the pores.
  • Brings your hair back to life
  • A few drops in your favorite shampoo will help nourish and protect your hair while giving it shine and softness.
  • Acts against aging
  • Argan oil activates cell regeneration and improves the elasticity and firmness of the skin thanks to its high content of vitamin E and fatty acids. And thus allows you to fight the signs of skin aging.


Because of the multitude of cosmetic products on the market, and the various promises they make to you. Choosing a non-toxic face routine that is right for your skin type is always a headache, luckily, no more looking any further because mother nature has the solution.

  • Stay hydrated
  • Having hydrated and healthy skin always starts with good nutrition and especially good hydration, that's why you should always start your day with a large glass of water and drink at least a liter and a half of water throughout the day. It is also necessary to reduce your consumption of meats and dairy products which unbalance the pH of your skin.
  • Remove your makeup!
  • Before washing your face, it is important to remove your makeup properly. For this, no need to buy a sophisticated makeup remover, a simple vegetable oil will do the trick and get rid of the heaviest makeup while providing a bonus of hydration to your skin.
  • Wash your face
  • To wash the skin of your face, stay away from soaps and gels whose PH is not always adapted to that of your skin since they make the skin dry and encourage the development of pimples and blackheads. It is therefore advisable to use a cleanser based on natural active ingredients such as clay (rhassoul) which is not only gentle and effective but can also be used as a mask for a more prolonged treatment session.
  • Tighten your pores
  • After washing your face, it is advisable to tighten your pores which should be enlarged after the previous steps. You can just use cold water, or an ice cube, but it's best to apply a natural micellar water like rose water which works wonders, especially for oily skin.
  • Use a moisturizing oil
  • The last step in our natural face routine is the application of a moisturizing oil. Argan oil is rich in fatty acids and vitamin E and has various benefits for your skin. A few drops are enough to get all the benefits.
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